Everyone knows a woman who is having a hard time. She may be your neighbor, a friend or a stranger.
Most of us don’t have the means to provide the help these women need. Sarah Christina is a women owned wine company that is providing a solution: 25% of Sarah Christina profits support women facing hardship.
Now you can enjoy wine AND you can help direct funds to where they are needed the most by nominating a woman in your community that needs a helping hand.
Each of the women in hardship receiving a grant show great strength and determination to turn their lives around. Read on to be inspired:
Dg Nanouk Okpik - New Mexico
This woman is dealing with a life-threatening gastrointestinal disease and lymphoma, making it very difficult to work to make ends meet. She is a breast cancer survivor and domestic violence survivor, which she suffered from during her years of fighting cancer. She has recently left this abusive relationship and is rebuilding her life on her own. A great deal of money was lost due to her ex-husbands gambling addiction and money he took from her, the unmanageable hospital debt she faces and the disease treatment costs. Mayo clinic is offering a treatment but she still requires funds for transport to get there and for incidentals. She is dedicated to her friends and students, teaching poetry to Native American youth. Having grown up surrounded by a lot of abuse, she understands what these children are going through. Her goal is to get better, get financially stable and keep working with disadvantaged Eskimo children from Alaska and tell her story as an Eskimo woman.
"Oh wow, this will help me so much – you have no clue! I feel ecstatic. I feel strong. I feel confident, to move on through this time with some money that I will use very, very thoughtfully. I know the use of a dollar, I know what it means." said Dg Nanouk Okpik, "No matter what we are going through we have to keep marching like the ants. These funds will help with expenses and help me get through this very tumultuous time."
Stephanie Morris – California
Stephanie is dealing with homelessness - she is currently living in a storage unit. She works as much as she can but can't quite get enough money to cover first deposit and security, even though she is earning enough to pay rent. She shows tenacity daily and is willing to fight not only for herself but also for her child. She chose to have her son not live with her because she knew it would be best for him not to. She does housekeeping work and finds her way downtown everyday to try and be there for her child as best she can. While trying to get into a suitable housing situation that would allow them to be together, Stephanie is working diligently to find a way to pay a dental bill for her son who has a hereditary dental disease that she too fought. This one bill is what is stopping her son from getting an operation that requires a specialist and would make things better in the long run. This grant will do a number of things to help her create a better life and get into real housing, keep that housing in the long term and have her son back in her arms and in a home together.
Stephanie said “With this money I will be able to obtain a home for my son and I. The last two years have been hard for us but it has made us stronger. Having your support makes me stronger. I will always be grateful. Thank you so very much.”
Nichole Adams - California
Despite all that she has faced Nichole shows determination, resilience and positivity every day for her family. She works full-time, goes to school full-time and is raising three children (kids 9, 7 and a little over 1) as a single mother. Recent domestic violence events left her as the sole provider for her kids. She has had to remain strong, moving forward while finding a way to manage and balance her income and growing debt. She has cut back on many things and has a budget ready to go but struggles monthly, with one paycheck going solely to pay rent. Food, gas, childcare costs and bills have to be paid using an overdraft until the next paycheck comes in. Her kids have learned that even through struggles in life - if you stick together and change life then you can still have a roof over your head and feed each other and be there for each other. This grant will allow some breathing room, and help her get on top of bills past due so she can implement her budget and become more independent again.
“I would tell others that, things happen for a reason. We need to keep our heads up, put one foot in front of the other, take it day by day. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, and that my friend is the truth” said Nichole Adams. “Thanks again, you have no idea how much this means to me and my family.”
43 year old woman - California
As a single mum raising two children and working multiple jobs, this woman has tirelessly worked to become the first in her family with an education by completing her Masters degree to become a licensed therapist. She started school in her mid 30's, paving the path for her children to have a better life and ensure they receive the education they deserve. In an effort to keep her family close and save money while completing her degree, she moved to her family home which they then lost during the 2017 Napa fires. She also lost her dad unexpectedly 2 years ago. With two jobs and two children, trying to pay rent in a high rent area while providing food and basic needs, health care, dental, etc, she is technically underwater financially and clear that the best way out is for her to finish her therapy licensing requirements. This will make the biggest difference in her life and she only needs another 6 months of clinical hours to take the state exam. This grant can help her reach this goal, become more self-sufficient and be the first in her family with a degree, breaking the cycle of poverty in her family.
"This is amazing! It will help me take the next steps I need to take in order to put my life in a better place.Remember, it's never too late to go to school. I started at 35. Set your mind to your dreams and goals and you CAN accomplish them and get to the finish line, even if you are currently facing hardship.” said the43 year old woman from California, "This is amazing and inspiring - it makes me want to do something like this one day if I have the opportunity to. Perhaps Sarah Christina will inspire more women that run their own businesses to provide similar support for women. I'm very grateful and inspired!”
Yadira Villegas - California
Yadira is currently facing crippling financial challenges and daily struggles to make ends meet but Yadira never gives up hope. She works tirelessly to put food on the table for her two kids (a two year old and a five-month old boy), afford diapers and necessities, care for them with little to no help, while holding down a job for as many hours as she can without being away from her children for too long, as childcare costs money as well. She currently lives in a sober living environment with her sons and partner who is unable to work. She works 30 hours per week as a caregiver and is making changes in her life to ensure a healthier and nurturing environment for her children. For Yadira, giving up isn't an option - she has to keep fighting and find a way to make it all work. Yadira is also trying to save up to buy a car, so it is easier to get around. This grant will help her provide basic needs for her family, reduce stress, tension and anxiety for her so she can better make the big changes in her life.
“This will help me get to a better place in life, for me and my kids. I really appreciate it. It touches my heart. I can't talk, can't find words right now. I'm speechless and grateful that there are people who care.” Yadira Villegas
If you know of a deserving woman in your community who is struggling and would benefit from a helping hand, nominate her today:
Supporting Women - The Process:
>>> You nominate a woman who needs a helping hand - March 8th-Dec 31st
>>> Nominees that meet criteria contacted and describe why they would benefit - by January 31st
>>> Committee reviews nominations
>>> Final grant recipients are notified - by Valentine’s Day
>>> Grant Certificates awarded and recipients announced on website - March 8th - International Women’s Day
Criteria - hardship can be due to:
Financial/economic hardship (such as struggling to make ends meet, pay bills, afford childcare)
Unavoidable income or expenditure changes (such as change in employment status - losing a job, having hours reduced)
Injury or illness
Significant life events - relationship break-down, death in the family
Emergency event or natural disaster
Nominations accepted for women 16+ years old, in the United States (incl. Puerto Rico)
Fun facts about:
International Women's Day
When: 8 March
Where: Everywhere!
What: A global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. In some places like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, International Women's Day is a national holiday.
It’s the day that Sarah Christina announces women that benefit!